Frequently Asked Questions
Anyone can use the site to learn more about our company, to see our pricing plans and to even explore the “Select Screens” map. And you do not need a login account to do any of that. However, if you do explore our screen inventory and find screens you want to advertise on, you will not be able to save them to the “shopping bag” without first logging in. A login account is easy to set up, and there is no cost. Once you complete the following 3 steps, a confirmation email will be sent to you to activate your free account login.

It is recommended that you first create a free login account (see “Why should I create a free login?”). Then log in and simply click on the “Select Screens” button.

You will then be presented with a map view of all mediafeedia screens/locations. And to the right of the map you will also see clickable images to learn more about each location (hours of operation, screen size, additional photos, and more).
You may also access all of this same information by clicking on any dot on the map and then clicking the photo image presented.

Not a problem. mediafeedia will work with you to create an affordable advertisement. First we will discuss the message you wish to convey in a 15 second or 30 second ad. Then we will discuss whether you prefer a video ad or a static image (with text). Our creatives development team will then present you with an advertisement created specifically for you. Prior to approving the ad you will then have up to 2 edits of the ad with no additional charge. Pricing for advertisement creation is as follows:
Video15 Seconds - $195.00
30 Seconds - $275.00
With video ads you will have the option to select from royalty-free music for the ad.
Should you desire professional voice over, this shall be offered to you by written quotation.
Static Ad15 Seconds - $ 99.00
30 Seconds - $120.00
For either video or static ad, you will be provided a copy of the ad for your use after the minimum 2-month commitment of your mediafeedia advertising campaign.
Credit card billing is the method for mediafeedia ad campaigns and for ad creation. You may enter your billing information once you create a login on the website. For security reasons, mediafeedia does not store credit card information on its servers, but instead relies on leading/reputable third-party billing platform to complete credit card payment services.
Mediafeedia requires a two (2) month minimum commitment period for each screen that you advertise on. After the initial two (2) month period, your mediafeedia subscription is on a month-to-month basis that you may cancel at any time with thirty (30) days advance notification directly from your login account.
Absolutely yes, we would love to speak with you, by phone, on a Zoom call, or via email.
Phone - (843) 301-7003
Email -
To schedule a Zoom call convenient for you, please go to our scheduling calendar at the link below. look forward to working with you to promote your brand to prospective customers in your local markets.